


地址: H楼309


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    博士、副教授、深圳市海外高层次人才、深圳市南山区领军人才、Building Simulation期刊青年编委。本科毕业于同济大学建筑环境与设备工程系,2018年获得美国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑系博士学位。于202411月加入清华大学深圳国际研究生院。参加工作以来,主持和参与了多项国家、省、市纵向科研项目。 目前,以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表期刊论文三十余篇。主要研究方向包括建筑性能与热舒适性、气候变化与城市气候适应性、人工智能和机器学习在参数化绿色建筑设计中的应用等。













    Building Simulation》 青年编委;

    Buildings》 客座主编;




  • 教学课程


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  • 代表性论文

    1.     Zheng Y, Wu J, Zhang H, Lin C, Li Y, Cui X, Shen P*. A novel sun-shading design for indoor visual comfort and energy saving in typical office space in Shenzhen. Energy and Buildings. 2025;328:115083. (WOS Q1, IF: 7.2)

    2.     Shen P*, Ji Y, Zhong M. Performance of district energy system under changing climate: A case study of Shenzhen. Applied Energy. 2025;379:124986. (WOS Q1, IF: 11.4)

    3.     Li Y, Li L, Cui X, Shen P*. Coupled building simulation and CFD for real-time window and HVAC control in sports space. Journal of Building Engineering. 2024;97:110731. (WOS Q1, IF: 6.7)

    4.     Shen P*. Building retrofit optimization considering future climate and decision-making under various mindsets. Journal of Building Engineering. 2024;96:110422. (WOS Q1, IF: 6.7)

    5.     Shen P*, Wang H**. Archetype building energy modeling approaches and applications: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2024;199:114478. (WOS Q1, IF: 16.3)

    6.     Ji Y, Song J, Shen P*. A data-driven model on human thermophysiological and psychological responses under dynamic solar radiation. Building and Environment. 2024;248:111098. (WOS Q1, IF: 7.4)

    7.     Li Y, Li L, Shen P*, Yuan C. An occupant-centric approach for spatio-temporal visual comfort assessment and optimization in daylit sports spaces. Indoor and Built Environment. 2024;33(1):145-166. (WOS Q2, IF: 3.6)

    8.     Li Y, Li L, Shen P*, Cui X. Quantifying Occupant Behavior Uncertainty in Spatiotemporal Visual Comfort Assessment of National Fitness Halls: A Machine Learning-Based Co-simulation Framework. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2023. p. 562-76.

    9.     Li Y, Li L, Shen P*. Probability-based visual comfort assessment and optimization in national fitness halls under sports behavior uncertainty. Building and Environment. 2023:110596. (WOS Q1, IF: 7.4)

    10.   Shen P*, Wang M, Liu J, Ji Y. Hourly air temperature projection in future urban area by coupling climate change and urban heat island effect. Energy and Buildings. 2023;279:112676. (WOS Q1, IF: 7.2)

    11.   Li S, Wang M, Shen P*, Cui X, Bu L, Wei R, et al. Energy Saving and Thermal Comfort Performance of Passive Retrofitting Measures for Traditional Rammed Earth House in Lingnan, China. Buildings. 2022;12(10):1716. (WOS Q2, IF: 3.3)

    12.   Du H, Shen P*, Chai WS, Nie D, Shan C, Zhou L*. Perspective and analysis of ammonia-based distributed energy system (DES) for achieving low carbon community in China. iScience. 2022:105120. (WOS Q1, IF: 6.1)

    13.   Ji Y, Song J, Shen P*. A review of studies and modeling of solar radiation on human thermal comfort in outdoor environment. Building and Environment. 2022;214:108891. (WOS Q1, IF: 7.4)

    14.   Wang M, Shen P*. Investigation of Indoor Asymmetric Thermal Radiation in Tibet Plateau: Case Study of a Typical Office Building. Buildings. 2022;12:129. (WOS Q2, IF: 3.3)

    15.   Shi D, Gao Y, Zeng P, Li B, Shen P, Zhuang C*. Climate adaptive optimization of green roofs and natural night ventilation for lifespan energy performance improvement in office buildings. Building and Environment. 2022;223:109505. (WOS Q1, IF: 7.4)

    16.   Yu Q, Li S, Shen P*, Ji Y, Wong K-s, Zhang Y. Analysis of DC distribution efficiency based on metered data in a typical Hong Kong office building. Energy Reports. 2022;8:772-9. (WOS Q1, IF: 4.9)

    17.   Shen P*, Liu J, Wang M. Fast generation of microclimate weather data for building simulation under heat island using map capturing and clustering technique. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2021;71:102954. (WOS Q1, IF: 10.7)

    18.   Shen P*, Wang Z, Ji Y. Exploring potential for residential energy saving in New York using developed lightweight prototypical building models based on survey data in the past decades. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2021;66:102659. (WOS Q1, IF: 10.7)

    19.   Shen P, Yang B*. Projecting Texas energy use for residential sector under future climate and urbanization scenarios: A bottom-up method based on twenty-year regional energy use data. Energy. 2020;193:116694. (WOS Q1, IF: 8.9)

    20.   Shen P*, Wang Z. How neighborhood form influences building energy use in winter design condition: Case study of Chicago using CFD coupled simulation. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020;261:121094. (WOS Q1, IF: 11.1)

    21.   Shen P*;Dai Mingkun; Xu Peng; Dong Wei, Building heating and cooling load under different neighbourhood forms: Assessing the effect of external convective heat transfer, Energy, 2019, 173: 75~91  (WOS Q1, IF: 8.9)

    22.   Shen P*;Braham William; Yi Yunkyu; Eaton Eric, Rapid multi-objective optimization with multi-year future weather condition and decision-making support for building retrofit, Energy, 2019, 172: 892~912 (WOS Q1, IF: 8.9)

    23.   Shen P*;Braham William; Yi Yunkyu, The feasibility and importance of considering climate change impacts in building retrofit analysis, Applied Energy, 2019, 233-234: 254~270 (WOS Q1, IF: 11.4)

    24.   Shen P*; Braham William; Yi Yunkyu, Development of a lightweight building simulation tool using simplified zone thermal coupling for fast parametric study, Applied Energy, 2018, 223: 188~214  (WOS Q1, IF: 11.4)

    25.   Shen P*, Impacts of climate change on US building energy use by using downscaled hourly future weather data, Energy and Buildings, 2017, 134: 61~70 (WOS Q1, IF: 7.2)

    26.   Shen P*; Lior Noam, Vulnerability to climate change impacts of present renewable energy systems designed for achieving net-zero energy buildings, Energy, 2016, 114: 1288~1305 (WOS Q1, IF: 8.9)

    27.   Shen P*; Lukes Jennifer R, Impact of global warming on performance of ground source heat pumps in US climate zones, Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 101: 632~643 (WOS Q1, IF: 11.53)



    1.      沈鹏元, 吴晋轩, 王艺霖等. 一种多层退进式遮阳系统及其控制方法, ZL 202010813236.2, CN112196196B,2021-11-09.

    2.      沈鹏元,王征. 一种人机交互动态虚拟热环境系统, ZL 202021418203.X, CN111831121B, 2021-01-19.

    3.      沈鹏元, 王美林, 王波, 王玺, 余磊, 齐贺, 叶泳仪, 邢晨. 一种城市热环境与空气污染物浓度实时感知地图建立方法, ZL202111293591.2, CN114154300B, 2023-7-7.

    4.      沈鹏元. 一种建筑节能改造优化决策支持方法, ZL202111333416.1, CN113947261A, 2024-09-29.

    5.      沈鹏元,刘俊环. 基于地图抓取与聚类学习的城市街区热岛建模方法及系统, ZL202110427990.7, CN113254554B,2023-09-26.


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