Facing the national strategic goal of Maritime Power and Shenzhen's 20+8 industrial clusters, to realize the goal of intelligent ocean cruising and detection, Tsinghua Ocean Soft Robotics and Intelligent Sensing Team mainly carries out the research on ocean soft robots and intelligent underwater manipulation tasks. Targeting underwater intelligent patrol and detection missions, the goal is to develop intelligent, miniaturized, lightweight, and wireless underwater soft-bodied robots. For underwater intelligent operation tasks (e.g., deep-sea sampling, seabed harvesting), the team aims to create an intelligent underwater compliant grasping system based on multi-modal fusion sensing technology. This system can not only perform non-destructive sampling in complex underwater environments (e.g., turbid water, low-light conditions, and strong interference) but also acquire multi-modal grasping perception data to enhance the comprehensive operational capabilities of underwater robots.
The team leader, Juntian Qu, is an associate professor and PhD supervisor at the Institute of Ocean Engineering, Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University. He is currently the deputy director of the Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology Frontier Technology, a core member of the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Space Robotics and On-Orbit Servicing Technology, and the head of the Tsinghua University Marine Soft Robotics and Intelligent Sensing Laboratory. He obtained his Ph.D. from McGill University in Canada and completed his postdoctoral research at Tsinghua University. He has also served as a research assistant at the University of Toronto in Canada.He has published over 60 high-level SCI/EI papers in international flagship journals in the international flagship SCI journals (Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Intelligent Systems, Advanced Materials Technologies, Nano Energy, Chemical Engineering Journal, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Ocean Engineering, IEEE T-IE, T-MECH, T-ASE, Nanoscale, etc., JCR Q1) and top international robotic conferences (ICRA, IROS), including 2 ESI highly-cited papers, 5 JCR Q1 cover papers and 3 Wiley Excellent Author Papers. He has been granted 38 patents as the first inventor (including 1 US patent), written 2 academic monographs and 2 book chapters. As the main drafter (3rd ranking), he released the first national group standard in the field of soft robots named Technical Requirements for Soft Robots.
He is the PIs of over more than 20 national/provincial/ministerial projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a sub-project of the 14th Five-Year Plan National Key Research and Development Program, a sub-project of the JKW Basic Strengthening Program, Ministry of Education industry-university cooperation projects, the 2024 Youth Talent Program of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the Ocean Decade China Action International Cooperation Seed Fund, Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, Shenzhen Key Laboratory Project (deputy director), Shenzhen Pengcheng Peacock Plan, Shenzhen Natural Science Foundation (General Project), Shenzhen Higher Education Institutions Stable Support Program, Beijing Science Association Youth Talent Support Project, Tsinghua University Interdisciplinary Research Innovation Fund/Overseas Research Cooperation Fund, and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. He serves as the Deputy Director of the Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology Frontier Technology, the Associate Editor of the authoritative robotic SCI journal IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Youth Editor of SCI journal Cyborg and Bionic Systems (IF: 10.5), Youth Editor of Journal of Bionic Engineering (JCR Q1/IF: 4.9), Youth Editor of Chinese core journal in marine engineering-Journal of Underwater Vehicles, Associate Editor and Session Chair of the International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE), Deputy Editor of the Encyclopedia of Marine Science (Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press), Deputy Secretary-general of the Tsinghua Alumni Association of Mechanical Engineering in Shenzhen, Session Chair of the Chinese Conference on Micro-Nano Technology and the China Intelligent Wearable Technology Innovation Forum, Keynote Speaker at the World Nano Conference, Senior Member of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society/Chinese Institute of Electronics/Chinese Micro-Nano Technology Society, Member of the International Society for Bionic Engineering (ISBE) Youth Committee, Special Technical Expert of Beijing Soft Robotics Technology Co., Ltd. (SRT), and Chief Scientist of the Tsinghua-BJUT 4D Printing Soft Robotics Research Team.
The original research achievements of Prof. Juntian Qu's team have successively won the first prize in the 2023 National Soft Robotics Competition, the gold award at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in 2024, the gold award (highest award) at the 27th and 28th National Invention Exhibitions, the Excellent Research Achievement Innovation Award at the 2024 China High-Tech Fair (reported by CCTV's News Broadcast), the Excellence Award at the Finals of the 13th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Disruptive Technology Innovation Competition (as the chief scientist of the Tsinghua-BJUT Magnetic Control 4D Printing Soft Robotics Joint Research Team), and the second prize at the 9th Maker China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. He was selected as one of the IEEE IROS 2024 New Generation Star Projects (27 people worldwide, 6 from Mainland China), the 2024 Youth Talent Program of the China Association for Science and Technology, the Beijing Science Association Youth Talent Support Project, Shenzhen's Pengcheng Peacock Plan, Tsinghua University “Shuimu Scholar Program, and the China Postdoctoral International Exchange Program Introduction Project. Prof. Qu has also received multiple awards and honors, including the 2021 China Mechanical Industry Federation - Science and Technology Invention Second Prize, the 2023 & 2024 “Excellent Faculty Award” of Tsinghua University, Excellent Teaching Award of Tsinghua University (top 5%), the Technology Advisor honor at the Greater Bay Area Youth Exhibition Hall (the only winning teacher in Shenzhen), the Outstanding Youth Scientist of Springer Nature journal Microsystems & Nanoengineering, three-time Wiley China Open Science High Contribution Author Award, the Outstanding Youth Editorial Board Member/Outstanding Reviewer of SCI journal Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, the Quebec Province Outstanding Doctoral Fellowship Award in Canada, the Doctoral Engineering Excellence Award of McGill University.
Candidates majoring in Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, Automation, Instrument Science and Technology, Ocean Engineering and Technology and other related fields are welcome to apply.
Sep. 2014 - Oct. 2019, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Canada
Sep. 2012 - Aug. 2014, M.Eng. in Control Theory and Engineering, Northeastern University, China
Sep. 2008 - Aug. 2012, B.Eng. in Automation, Northeastern University, China
Professional Experience
Dec 2024 - present, Associate Professor, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China
Apr. 2022 - Dec. 2024 Assistant Professor, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China
Nov. 2019 - Mar. 2022, Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Shuimu Scholar), Tsinghua University, China
Sept. 2017 - Sept. 2019, Research Assistant, University of Toronto, Canada
Additional Positions
· Deputy Director, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology Frontier Technology
· Core Member, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Space Robotics and On-Orbit Servicing Technology
· Associate Editor, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
· Youth Editor, Cyborg and Bionic Systems (SCI Journal, IF: 10.5)
· Youth Editor, Journal of Bionic Engineering (JCR Q1/4.9)
· Youth Editor, Journal of Underwater Vehicles (Chinese Core Journal)
· Vice Chairman of the Book Editorial Board, Encyclopedia of Marine Science (Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press)
· Associate Editor/Session Chair, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)
· Session Chair, Chinese Conference on Micro-Nano Technology/China Intelligent Wearable Technology Innovation Forum
· Member of the International Society of Bionic Engineering Youth Committee (ISBE)
· Senior member of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES), Chinese Institute of Electronics, Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology (CSMNT)
· Member of IEEE, ASME, CSME
· Technology Advisor, Greater Bay Area Youth Exhibition Hall (Only Award-winning Teacher in Shenzhen)
· Deputy Secretary-General, Tsinghua Alumni Association of Mechanical Engineering
· Technical Expert of Beijing Soft Robot Technology Co., Ltd. (SRT)
· Chief Scientist, Tsinghua-BJUT Joint Research Team on 4D Printing Soft Robotics
· Co-Supervisor for Joint Ph.D. Students, Tsinghua University - Pengcheng Laboratory
· Reviewer:IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science, Nano Energy, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing,Soft Robotics, Advanced Intelligent Systems, Nano-Micro Letters,Small, Engineering, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, etc.
Personal Webpage
Download CV
Current Courses
Spring Semester
· Frontiers and Instruments of Ocean Observation Technology (Course Number: 80460302)
· Microsensors (Course Code: 86000122)
· MEMS Technology and Applications (Course Code: 80130462)
Fall Semester
· Technology and Application of Underwater Soft Robot (Course number: 85991212)
· Modern Sensor Technology (Course Code: 80130162)
Master’s & Ph.D. Advising
Research Interests
Tsinghua Ocean Soft Robot and Intelligent Sensing Lab mainly carries out research on ocean soft robots and underwater soft manipulators, to achieve goals and tasks of intelligent cruising, detection and manipulation in the ocean.
1. Underwater Soft Robot
Soft Robotics is ranked the top position among the twelve frontier technologies in robotics.Our mission is to design a miniaturized, lightweight, wireless, controllable, and intelligent underwater soft robot, including following research interests:
· Modeling, design and optimization of biomimetic soft structure for underwater soft robots.
· R&D of intelligent visual system for soft underwater robot (based on image enhancement and deep learning).
· Design and implementation of actuating & sensing system for soft underwater robot.
· Multi-scenarios and multi-function demonstration of amphibious soft robot, miniature magnetic soft robot.
2. Underwater Soft Manipulator
Compared with the traditional rigid manipulator, the underwater soft manipulator has the advantages of strong adaptability, good compatibility, safe interaction, etc. It is more suitable for adaptive non-destructive grasping of underwater organisms, seabed sampling and salvage, etc.The research interests include:
· Flexible underwater manipulator with variable stiffness based on intelligent magnetic fluid materials.
· Multi-mode rigid-flexible coupled underwater soft manipulator.
· Underwater intelligent grasping based on vision-tactile fusion technology.
· Underwater flexible robotic arm based on deep learning.
3. Underwater intelligent sensing technology
Reliable intelligent perception is necessary for the exploration in complicated underwater environment. For safe and precise manipulation tasks with intelligent, reliable and safe interaction capabilities, the main research focus in this field is as follows:
· Underwater intelligent perception technology based on Triboelectric Nanogenerator (TENG).
· Underwater intelligent perception technology based on Fibber Bragg Gratting (FBG).
· Underwater intelligent perception technology based on vision-tactile fusion sensing.
1. Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Principal Investigator.
2. Sub-project of the 14th Five-Year Plan National Key Research and Development Program, Principal Investigator.
3. Guangdong Provincial Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund, Principal Investigator.
4. Ministry of Education Industry-University Cooperation and Talent Training Project, Principal Investigator.
5. Project of JKW Basic Strengthening Program, Deputy Leader.
6. China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) Youth Talent Program in Science and Technology Think Tank, Principal Investigator.
7. Ocean Decade China Action International Cooperation Seed Fund Project, Principal Investigator.
8. Shenzhen Key Laboratory Project: Deputy Director.
9. Shenzhen Natural Science Foundation (General Project) , Principal Investigator.
10. Shenzhen Higher Education Institutions Stable Support Project, Principal Investigator.
11. Shenzhen Pengcheng Peacock Plan Start-up Project, Principal Investigator.
12. Beijing Science Association Youth Talent Support Project (2022-2024), Principal Investigator.
13. Dream Fund Project of the Jianghuai Frontier Technology Collaborative Innovation Center, Principal Investigator.
14. Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School - Overseas Research Cooperation Fund, , Principal Investigator.
15. Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate School - Cross Research and Innovation Fund, Principal Investigator.
16. Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School - Start-up Research Fund, Principal Investigator.
17. China Engineering Academy Key Consultation Project, Principal Investigator.
18. Tsinghua University Shuimu Scholar Program, Principal Investigator.
19. Hunan Provincial Key R&D Program, Sub-Project Leader.
20. Open Fund of Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Equipment & Technology, Principal Investigator.
21. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Principal Investigator.
22. International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program (Talent-Introduction Program), Principal Investigator.
Research Output
Selected Publications
Prof. Qu has published over 60 high-level SCI/EI papers in flagship international journals and top robotic conferences (including 2 ESI highly cited papers, 5 cover papers in top JCR Q1 journals, and 3 Wiley Excellent Author Papers). He has also been granted 38 patents as the first inventor (including 1 U.S. patent). Additionally, he has written 2 monographs and 2 book chapters. As the principal drafter (ranked 3rd), he released the first national group standard in the field of soft robotics named Technical Requirements for Soft Robotics.
[1] Juntian Qu*, Guangming Cui, Zhenkun Li, Shutong Fang, Xianrui Zhang, Ang Liu, Mingyue Han, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang and Xiaohao Wang, “Advanced Flexible Sensing Technologies for Soft Robots,” Advanced Functional Materials, 34: 2470161, 2024. (JCR Q1, IF: 18.5, Frontispiece Paper)
[2] Juntian Qu*, Baijin Mao, Zhenkun Li, Yining Xu, Kunyu Zhou, Xiangyu Cao, Qigao Fan, Minyi Xu, Bin Liang, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang, and Xiaohao Wang, “Recent Progress in Advanced Tactile Sensing Technologies for Soft Grippers,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2023. (JCR Q1, IF: 18.5, ESI Highly-cited Paper)
[3] J. Qu*, Q. Yuan, Z. Li, et al., All-in-one Strain-triboelectric Sensors Based on Environment-friendly Ionic Hydrogel for Wearable Sensing and Underwater Soft Robotic Grasping, Nano Energy, vol. 111, pp. 108387, 2023. (JCR Q1, IF: 16.8, ESI Highly-cited Paper)
[4] Baijin Mao, Kunyu Zhou, Yaocen Xiangyu, Yuzhu Zhang, Qiangjing Yuan, Hongwei Hao, Yaozhen Chen, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang, Xiaohao Wang and Juntian Qu*, “A Bio-inspired Robotic Finger for Multi-modal Tactile Sensing Powered by Fiber Optic Sensors,” Advanced Intelligent Systems, 6: 2400175, 2024. (JCR Q1, IF: 6.8, Front Cover Paper & Wiley Excellent Author Paper)
[5] Kunyu Zhou, Baijin Mao, Yuzhu Zhang, Yaozhen Chen, Yuyaocen Xiang, Zhenping Yu, Hongwei Hao, Wei Tang, Yanwen Li, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang, Xiaohao Wang, Juntian Qu*, “A Cable-Actuated Soft Manipulator for Dexterous Grasping Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning,” Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2024. (JCR Q1, IF: 6.8, Inside Cover Paper)
[6] Juntian Qu*, Zhenping Yu, Wei Tang, Yining Xu, Baijin Mao, Kunyu Zhou, “Advanced Technologies and Applications of Robotic Soft Grippers,” Advanced Materials Technologies, 2024. (JCR Q1, IF: 6.4, Front Cover Paper & Wiley Excellent Author Paper)
[7] Kunyu Zhou, Baijin Mao, Yuzhu Zhang, Yaozhen Chen, Yuyaocen Xiang, Zhenping Yu, Hongwei Hao, Wei Tang, Yanwen Li, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang, Xiaohao Wang, Juntian Qu*, “A Cable-Actuated Soft Manipulator for Dexterous Grasping Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning,” Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2024. (JCR Q1, IF: 6.8, Cover Paper)
[8] Wei Tang, Zhenping Yu, Yunfei Wang, Peizheng Chen, Houde Liu, Xueqian Wang, Xiaohao Wang, Juntian Qu*,“Design and Multi Parameter Performance Optimization of the Bionic Robotic Fish Driven by Tail Fin,”Ocean Engineering, 2024. (JCR Q1, IF: 4.6)
[9] J. Qu*, Y Xu, Z Li, Z Yu, B Mao, Y Wang, Q Fan, X Qian, M Zhang, M Xu, B Liang, H Liu, X Wang, X Wang, T Li. “Recent Advances on Underwater Soft Robots,” Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2023. (JCR Q1, IF: 6.8, Wiley Excellent Author Paper)
[10] Jiajia Zhang, Qiangjing Yuan, Sihang Gao, Rui Li, Baijin Mao, Yunbin Ma, Guanqiu Qi, Juntian Qu*, Xiaojing Mu* and Zhihao Zhou*, “Wearable Pendulum−Rotor-Separated Hybrid Generator for Smart Healthcare Monitoring,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024. (JCR Q1, IF: 8.3)
[11] Zhenping Yu, Xinmeng Zhou, Yedong Huang, Kunyu Zhou, Guangming Cui, Juntian Qu*, “Multi-cluster distributed optimization strategy for turbine wake environment,” Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2024. (JCR Q1, IF: 6.8)
[12] Qigao Fan*, Guangming Cui, Juntian Qu*, Yueyue Liu, Xinyu Liu, “Control of Multiple Identical Mobile Microrobots for Collaborative Tasks Using External Distributed Magnetic Fields,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024. (JCR Q1, IF=5.9)
[13] Weichen Wang, Cong Zhao, Zhaoyang Wang, Baijin Mao, Haoyu Wang, Yiping Zhang, Ziyue Xi, Xiang Cheng, Minyi Xu* and Juntian Qu*, “A Durable and Self-Powered Triboelectric Sensor for Hydraulic Pressure Monitoring and Underwater Disturbance Detection,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024. (JCR Q1, IF: 4.3)
[14] Juntian Qu*, Xiangyu Cao, Shancheng Jiang, Jia You, and Zhenping Yu, “UIEFormer: Lightweight Vision Transformer for Underwater Image Enhancement,”IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2024. (JCR Q1, IF: 3.8)
[15] Zhenkun Li*, Jiaohao Dong, Shengjie Zhang, Yanwen Li, Chengyao Deng, Decai Li, Hongchao Cui, Zhanxian Li, Zhongru Song, Jie Yao, Juntian Qu*, “Phase transition reversible 3D printing of magnetic thixotropic fluid,” Applied Materials Today, 2023. (JCR Q1, IF: 7.2)
1. Introduction to Advanced Soft Robotics, first author (authored book), published in 2024 by Bentham Books. ISBN: 978-981-5256-48-2.
2. Encyclopedia of Marine Sciences (Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press) , Deputy Editor, 2025.
3. Chapter 9 titled Soft Robotics of Book Popular Science Report on New Materials in China 2023: Approaching Frontier New Materials 5 (first author/corresponding author), ISBN: 978-7-122-45383-9, Chemical Industry Press, 2024.
4. Book chapter Progress and challenges in micro- and nano-fabrication of wearable sensors, of Book Advanced Sensors for Smart Healthcare, Elsevier Publisher, first author/corresponding author, 2025.
1. Juntian Qu, Yaocen XiangYu, Baijin Mao, Kunyu Zhou, Hongwei Hao, Weichen Wang, Xiankuan Qian, Sensor Based on Fiber Bragg Grating, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202411033536.3.
2. Juntian Qu, Xianrui Zhang, Guangming Cui, Ang Liu, Global Magnetic Field Generation Device for Closed-Loop Control of Multiple Magnetic Miniature Robots in Spatial Motion, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202411373687.3
3. Juntian Qu, Yedong Huang, Baijin Mao, Hao Fan, Rigid-Flexible Coupling Gripper for Multi-Modal Dexterous Manipulation, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202411302604.1
4. Juntian Qu, Weichen Wang, Wenbo Ding, Hongfa Zhao, Minyi Xu, Jiaqi Zhu, Omnidirectional Triboelectric Tactile Sensor, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202411211133.3
5. Juntian Qu, Yedong Huang, Xiaofeng Zhang, Rigid-Flexible Coupling Robotic Fish Based on Wire-Driven Structure, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202411212881.3
6. Juntian Qu, Wei Tang, Yunfei Wang, Zhenping Yu, Biomimetic Robotic Fish, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202310222338.0
7. Juntian Qu, Weichen Wang, Xiaohao Wang, Baijin Mao, Jiaqi Zhu, Hongwei Hao, Haoyi Huang, Self-Perceiving Tri-Modal Rigid-Flexible Coupling Gripper, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202410313157.3
8. Juntian Qu, Xianrui Zhang, Ang Liu, Haoyi Huang, Amphibious Biomimetic Turtle Robot, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202411124083.5
9. Juntian Qu, Kunyu Zhou, Yuzhu Zhang, Baijin Mao, Yuyao Xiang, End-Position Control Method for Cable-Driven Flexible Arm, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202410935477.2
10. Juntian Qu, Xiankuan Qian, Xiaohao Wang, Houde Liu, Baijin Mao, Jiaqi Zhu, Hongwei Hao, Weichen Wang, Rigid-Flexible Coupling Gripper, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202410313165.8
11. Juntian Qu, Yunfei Wang, Wei Tang and Zhenping Yu. A soft biomimetic robot fish swimming optimization method based on CPG model,ZL02310396666.2.
12. Juntian Qu, Yunfei Wang, Speed Measurement Method for Soft Robotic Fish and Soft Robotic Fish, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202311727499.1
13. Juntian Qu, Hongwei Hao, Xiankuan Qian, Xiaohao Wang, Houde Liu, Baijin Mao, Jiaqi Zhu, Weichen Wang, RIGID-FLEXIBLE COUPLING GRIPPER, International (US) Invention Patent, US12128551B1
14. Juntian Qu, Yining Xu, Zhenping Yu, Guangming Cui, Hongwei Hao, Manipulator for Pipeline Dredging Robot and Flexible Pipeline Dredging Robot, International (Hong Kong) Invention Patent, HK40103252
15. Juntian Qu, Hongwei Hao, Xiaohao Wang, Baijin Mao, Jiaqi Zhu, Yining Xu, Haozhi Huang, Weichen Wang, Xiankuan Qian, Rigid-Flexible Coupling Gripper Control Method, International (Hong Kong) Invention Patent, HK40103016
16. Juntian Qu, Guangming Cui, Haozhi Huang, Xianrui Zhang, Collaborative Control System for Large-Scale Ferrofluid Droplet Robots, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL 202410917484.X
17. Juntian Qu, Xiangyu Cao, Jia You, Zhenping Yu, Underwater Image Enhancement Method Based on Vision Transformer, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202410482725.2
18. Juntian Qu, Yining Xu, Zhenping Yu, Guangming Cui, Hongwei Hao, Manipulator for Pipeline Dredging Robot and Flexible Pipeline Dredging Robot, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202410284085.4
19. Juntian Qu, Yunfei Wang, Soft Robotic Fish and Its Control Method, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202410257881.9
20. Juntian Qu, Hongwei Hao, Xiaohao Wang, Baijin Mao, Jiaqi Zhu, Yining Xu, Control Method for Rigid-Flexible Coupling Gripper, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202410313163.9
21. Juntian Qu, Weichen Wang, Minyi Xu, Chuanqing Zhu, Haoyu Wang, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang, Underwater Pressure Sensor and Measurement Method for Underwater Pressure Magnitude and Variation Rate, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202310544089.7
22. Juntian Qu, Weichen Wang, Jiaqi Zhu, Minyi Xu, Hongfa Zhao, Hongwei Hao, Xiankuan Qian, Jia You, Triboelectric Tactile Sensor and Fabrication Method for Multi-Channel Biomimetic Hair Array, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202410503767.X
23. Juntian Qu, Houde Liu, Jia You, Xiangyu Cao, Zhenping Yu, Underwater Image Enhancement Method, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202311854266.8
24. Juntian Qu, Zhenping Yu, Xingmeng Zhou, Monitoring and Analysis Method for Offshore Wind Turbine Status, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202410128274.2
25. Juntian Qu, Zhenping Yu, Xingmeng Zhou, Clustering and Distributed Operation and Maintenance Method for Wind Farms Based on Wake Analysis, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202410158043.6
26. Juntian Qu, Xiangyu Cao, Xueqian Wang, Bin Liang, Ship Optical Image Wake Detection Method Based on Improved YOLOv7, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL202310597627.9
27. Juntian Qu, Zhenkun Li, Hongwei Hao, Yi Fang, Variable Stiffness Soft Finger Unit and Variable Stiffness Soft Finger, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL02311087817.2
28. Juntian Qu, Zhenkun Li, Hongwei Hao, Yi Fang, Variable Stiffness Soft Gripper and Its Control Method and Robotic Arm, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL02311087800.7
29. Juntian Qu, Yining Xu, Flexible Pipeline Robot, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL02310249819.0
30. Juntian Qu, Yunfei Wang, Wei Tang, Zhenping Yu, Swimming Optimization Method for Soft Biomimetic Robotic Fish Based on CPG Model, Chinese Invention Patent, ZL02310396666.2
31. Juntian Qu and Zhen Zhang. An SEM-based In-situ Opto-electro-mechanical Characterization Method of Semiconducting Nanowires, ZL202011140872X
32. Juntian Qu and Zhen Zhang. A Surface Pressure Sensing Method on Single Semiconducting Nanowires using Protruding AFM Probe, ZL2020111875483
33. Liangyong Wang, Juntian Qu, Ying Chi and Tianyou Chai. A PI Control Method based on Virtual Un-modeled Dynamics Compensation for Liquid-level System, ZL2014103853078
34. Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Qu. Scanning electron microscopic direct-write lithography system based on a compliant nano servo motion system. US Patent:US20220291589A1
35. National Group Standard Technical Requirements for Soft Robotics, T/CIET 570-2024, Main Drafter (Third Ranking), Published in July 2024.
Awards and Honors
· Gold Medal, 2024 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (First Completer)
· Gold Medal, 28th National Invention Exhibition. (Highest Award, First Completer)
· Gold Medal, 27th National Invention Exhibition. (Highest Award, First Completer)
· Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Innovation Award, 26th China International High-Tech Fair, 2024.
· New Generation Star Project, IEEE IROS, 2024. (27 people globally, 6 from Mainland China)
· Outstanding Paper Award, Shenzhen Science Association, 2024.
· First Prize, National Soft Robotics Innovation Design Competition, 2023.
· Outstanding Project Award, Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate School's Concept Validation, 2023. (First Completer)
· Merit Award, 13th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Disruptive Technology Innovation Competition Finalist, 2024.
· National Second Prize, 9th Maker China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, 2024. (Chief Scientist)
· Youth Talent Program of Science and Technology Think Tank, China Association for Science and Technology's 2024.
· Youth Talent Promotion Project, Beijing Association for Science and Technology, 2021.
· Shenzhen “Pengcheng Peacock Project” - Class C, 2022.
· Technology Advisor Award, Greater Bay Area Youth Exhibition Hall. (Only award-winning teacher in Shenzhen)
· Second Class Award for Technological Invention, China Machinery Industry Federation (CMIF), 2021.
· High Contribution Author Award, Wiley China Open Science, 2023 & 2024.
· Outstanding Youth Editorial Board Member/Outstanding Reviewer, SCI Journal Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2023.
· Young Scientist Award Finalist, Springer Nature SCI Journal: Microsystems & Nanoengineering.
· International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship (Talent-Introduction Program), China Postdoc Council (CPC), 2019.
· Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar, Tsinghua University, 2019.
· Quebec Merit Award, Ministry of Education, Quebec of Canada, 2014-2018.
· Graduate Excellence Award in Engineering, McGill University, Canada, 2014-2018.