2005年毕业于清华大学土木工程系,2011年于哈尔滨工业大学获工学博士,师从土木与海洋工程专家、工程院院士欧进萍教授。历任新加坡南洋理工大学博后研究员、法国船级社南亚技术研发中心浮体部经理、新加坡硕泰海工研发总监。现任中国海洋工程学会理事、西澳大学Gledden高级访问学者、国际海洋技术大会OTC ASIA技术委员会委员等职。曾任马来西亚国油大学海洋工程客座教授、新加坡国立大学土木与环境学院兼职博士生导师。在浮式结构物水动力、耐波性及系泊系统的学术研究和工程设计分析方面有十余年的经验,领导和参与了40余项工业界项目,包括FPSO、FLNG及TLP等各类浮式油气平台。主持、参与了国家863计划、科技部重大专项、自然科学基金、广东省科技厅、深圳市科创委、新加坡海事局及海事研究院、澳洲研究理事会等科研项目。入选深圳市海外高层次人才计划,担任SCI TOP期刊Ocean Engineering、船舶海工权威SCI期刊Brodogradnja编委,在学术期刊及会议上发表60篇技术论文,SCI收录40余篇,曾获中国土木工程学会优秀论文奖,开发了浮式系统时域耦合响应及海上作业安装专业计算软件KraKen。
2021年6月-至今 清华大学深圳国际研究生院 副教授
2019年7月-2021年5月 新加坡Sortec Offshore海工科技 研发总监
2017年1月-2019年7月 法国船级社深水技术研发中心,新加坡 浮式系统经理
2016年7月-2016年12月 法国船级社,澳大利亚珀斯 研发项目经理
2013年1月-2016年7月 法国船级社深水技术研发中心,新加坡 资深研发工程师
2012年7月-2013年1月 法国船级社研发部,法国巴黎 执行研发工程师
2011年6月-2012年7月 南洋理工大学,新加坡 博后Research Fellow
西澳大学Robert and Maude Gledden高级访问学者
国际海洋技术大会OTC ASIA技术委员会委员(2018-2024)
海洋工程SCI 期刊Ocean Engineering编委
韩国海洋工程学会会刊Journal of ocean engineering and technology国际编委
马来西亚国油大学(Universiti Teknologi Petronas)海洋工程结构客座讲师
• 海洋漂浮式平台水动力学、缆索结构动力学、海上复杂作业动力学研究
• 漂浮式风电基础概念设计、结构水弹性及有限元分析、智能结构健康检测、共享系泊系统设计与分析
• 海上吊装、拖航、登离作业操作性、窗口期和安全性分析与评估
• 风电场运维母船关键装备研发
• 深远海养殖工船关键技术研发
• KraKen海洋浮式系统(浮体/缆索/管线)耦合动力学计算软件开发
1. 运维船和浮式风机的大幅相对运动及舷梯的主动补偿机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,在研
2. 广东省科技创新战略专项资金海洋经济发展专项,主持,在研
3. 波浪作用下深远海养殖工船的水动力性能研究,深圳科创委基础研究面上项目,主持,在研
4. 深圳市智能融合重点实验室,主要成员,在研
5. 海洋-气象灾害数字孪生、数值模拟技术研发及其示范应用,广东省区域联合基金-粤港澳研究团队项目,主要成员,在研
[1] Binbin Li*, Z Liu, H Liang, et al, BEM modeling for the hydrodynamic analysis of the perforated fish farming vessel, Ocean Engineering, 115225, 2023
[2] Binbin Li*, C Wang, The absolute nodal coordinate formulation in the analysis of offshore floating operations Part I: theory and modeling, Ocean Engineering, 114650, 2023
[3] C Wang, J Liu, Binbin Li*, W Huang, The absolute nodal coordinate formulation in the analysis of offshore floating operations Part II: code validation and case study, Ocean Engineering, 114645, 2023
[4] W Huang, Binbin Li* DK Kim*, An investigation on material diversity of synthetic fiber ropes in the course stability of towing under wind, Ocean Engineering, 114410, 2023
[5] W Huang, Binbin Li*, X Chen, A new quasi-dynamic method for the prediction of tendon tension of TLP platform, Ocean Engineering, 113590, 2023
[6] Lekkala MR, Mohamed L, Jung JH, Jin CK, Binbin Li*, Jeong B, Kim DK*, Numerical investigations of flow over wavy cylinders at sub-critical Reynolds number, Ocean Engineering, 113501, 2023
[7] Y Li, D Qiao, Binbin Li*, etc, Dynamic controller design for parallel active motion compensated gangway of offshore wind service operation vessel based on the state-space model and inverse kinematics, Ocean Engineering, 112999, 2022
[8] S Leng, S Li, Z Hu, H Wu, Binbin Li, Development of a Micro-in-Meso-scale Framework for Simulating Pollutant Dispersion and Wind Environment in Building Groups, Journal of Cleaner Production, 132661, 2022
[9] Binbin Li*, D Qiao, W Zhao, Z Hu, S Li, Operability analysis of SWATH as a service vessel for offshore wind turbine in the southeastern coast of China, Ocean Engineering, 111017, 2022
[10] Binbin Li*, Effect of hydrodynamic coupling of floating offshore wind turbine and offshore support vessel, Applied Ocean Research, 102707, 2021
[11] Jun Yan, Dongsheng Qiao, Binbin Li*, An improved method of mooring damping estimation considering mooring line segments contribution, Ocean Engineering, 109887, 2021
[12] D Qiao, Y Li, J Yan, W Tang, D Ning, Binbin Li*, Jinping Ou, Influence of Active Control Strategy on the Motion Compensation at the Truncated Point of Mooring Line, China Ocean Engineering, 35(700–711), 2021
[13] Binbin Li, Operability study of walk-to-work for floating wind turbine and service operation vessel in the time domain, Ocean Engineering, 108397, 2021
[14] Binbin Li, Hui Liang, etc, Study of telescopic gangway motions in time domain during offshore operation, Ocean Engineering, 108692, 2021
[15] D Qiao, G Zhi, J Yan, Binbin Li, H Liang, D Ning, Active truncation model test method of deep-water mooring system: a numerical simulation study on time delay compensation of actuator motion, Applied Ocean Research, 102645, 2021
[16] Binbin Li, Multi-body hydrodynamic resonance and shielding effect of vessels parallel and nonparallel side-by-side, Ocean Engineering, 2020, 108188, 2020
[17] Binbin Li, Wei Huang and Hui Liang, An efficient method to assess effect of fins on the course stability of towing system, Ocean Engineering, 108055, 2020
[18] D Qiao, Binbin Li*, J Yan, Y Qing, H Liang, D Ning, Transient response evaluation of FPSO with different failure scenarios of mooring lines,J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 9(2), 103, 2021
[19] D Qiao, H Liang, W Tang, D Ning, Binbin Li, J Ou, Motion tracking control of actuator in the active-truncated model test of deep-water mooring system, Applied ocean research, 102397, 2020
[20] D Qiao, B Guan, H Liang, D Ning, Binbin Li, J Ou, An Improved Method of Predicting Drag Anchor Trajectory Based on the Finite Element Analyses of Holding Capacity, China Ocean Engineering, 2020
[21] Z Wang, Y M Low, Binbin Li, Stochastic analysis of the non-Gaussain airgap response of a semi-submersible using frequency domain analysis, Marine Structures, 2019
[22] Binbin Li, Wei Huang, Xiaobo Chen, A numerical study of dynamic response of crane Semi-submersible along TLP in Tender-assisted drilling operation, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2018, 273-286
[23] W Zhao, Z Pan, F Lin, Binbin Li, PH Taylor, M Efthymiou, Estimation of gap resonance relevant to side-by-side offloading, Ocean Engineering, 2018
[24] W. Huang, Binbin Li*, X Chen, A. Rodrigo, Numerical and experimental studies on dynamic gangway response between monohull flotel and FPSO in non-parallel side-by-side configuration, Ocean Engineering, 149, 341-357, 2018
[25] W Jian, D Cao, EY Lo, Z Huang, X Chen, Z Cheng, H Gu, Binbin Li, Wave runup on a surging vertical cylinder in regular waves, Applied ocean research, 2017
[26] Binbin Li*, Z Huang, Y M Low, Experimental and numerical study of the effects of heave plate on the motion of a new deep draft multi-spar platform, Journal of marine science and technology, 18, 229-246, 2013
[27] Binbin Li*, J Ou, B Teng, Numerical investigation of damping effects on coupled heave and pitch motion of an innovative deep draft multi-spar, Journal of marine science and technology, 19(2), 231-244, 2011
[28] Binbin Li*, J Ou, B Teng, Fully coupled effects of hull, mooring and risers model in time domain based on an innovative deep draft multi-spar, China ocean engineering, 2010
[29] Binbin Li*, K Liu, G Yan, J Ou, Hydrodynamic comparison of a semi-submersible, TLP, and Spar: Numerical study in the South China Sea environment, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2011
[30] Binbin Li*, J Ou, Concept design of a new deep draft platform, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2010
[31] 李彬彬,欧进萍,深吃水多立柱式平台的运动响应分析,中国造船,2010
[32] 李彬彬,欧进萍,滕斌,深吃水多立柱平台稳性与水动力分析,海洋工程,2010
[33] 李彬彬,欧进萍,Truss Spar平台垂荡响应频域分析,海洋工程,2009