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  • Biography


    2013-2017, PhD, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

    2010-2012, MEng, Tongji University, China

    2006-2010, BEng, Tongji University, China


    Professional Experience

    2022-present, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China, Assistant Professor

    2018-2022, Northwestern University, USA, Postdoctoral Fellow

    2017-2018, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, Senior Research Assistant

    2018-2018, University of Twente, The Netherlands, Visiting Scholar

    Additional Positions

    International Consortium on Geo-disaster Reduction, Committee Member

    International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Committee Member

    AGU/EGU/IAEG, Session Convener/Chair

    JGR: Earth Surface/WRR, Special Collection Organizer


    Personal Webpage

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  • Current Courses

    1. Advanced Numerical Analysis

    2. Mechanics of Granular Materials

    3. Dynamics of Sediment-fluid Flows

    4. Principles and Numerical Analysis of Geotechnical Engineering

    Master’s & Ph.D. Advising

  • Research Interests

    We study the flow and transport of granular materials (soil, sediment, ice) and other related phenomena in nature and engineering using a multiscale approach (from particle to continuum scales) combining experiments, simulations, and theory. The overarching theme is “Multi-Scale Mechanics for Earth and its Environment”, in line with the UN’s and China’s sustainable development goals. Our ultimate goal is to promote scientific solutions for geohazard mitigation and sediment management in fluvial and marine environments.


    1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (2025-2028, PI)

    2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (2022-2024, PI)

    3. National Science Foundation, USA (2019-2023, participant)

    4. Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR (2022-2025, participant)

    5. Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR (2021-2024, participant)

    6. Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR (2014-2018, participant)

    Research Output

  • Selected Publications

    Since 2022.7

    [1] Liu, J.; Jing, L.*; Pähtz, T.; Cui, Y.; Zhou, G.G.D.; Fu, X. Effects of particle elongation on dense granular flows down a rough inclined plane. Physical Review E, 2024, 110(4): 044902.

    [2] Cui, K.E.F.; Zhou, G.G.D.; Jing, L.; Mangeney, A.; Cui, Y.; Huang, Y.; Chen, X. Segregation-induced flow transitions in rock-ice mixtures: Implications for rock-ice avalanche dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2024, 129(9): e2024JF007831.

    [3] Cui, K.E.F.; Zhou, G.G.D.*; Jing, L.* Discrete and continuum modelling of rock-ice avalanches: Vertical segregation and its feedback on flow mobility. Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 175: 106691.

    [4] Duan, Y.; Jing, L.; Umbanhowar, P. B.; Ottino, J. M.; Lueptow, R. M. General model for segregation forces in flowing granular mixtures. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 989: A17.

    [5] Liu, C.*; Zhu, D.; Cui, J.; Jing, L.*; Huang, X. Investigation on synchronous grouting process during shield tunneling in coarse grained ground using CFD-DEM approach. Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 170: 106308.

    [6] Yin, Y.; Cui, Y.; Jing, L. Clogging and unclogging of fine particles in porous media: Micromechanical insights from an analog pore system. Water Resources Research, 2024, 60(1): e2023WR034628.

    [7] Yang, G.C.; Yang, S.C.; Jing, L.; Kwok, C.Y.; Sobral, Y.D. Efficient lattice Boltzmann simulation of free-surface granular flows with μ(I)-rheology. Journal of Computational Physics, 2023, 479: 111956.

    [8] Jing, L.; Ottino, J.M.; Umbanhowar, P.B.; Lueptow, R.M. Drag force in granular shear flows: Regimes, scaling laws and implications for segregation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 948: A24.


    Before 2022.7

    [1] Duan, Y.; Jing, L.; Umbanhowar, P.B.; Ottino, J.M.; Lueptow, R.M. Segregation forces in dense granular flows: Closing the gap between single intruders and mixtures. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 935: R1.

    [2] Jing, L.; Ottino, J.M.; Lueptow, R.M.; Umbanhowar, P.B. A unified description of gravity- and kinematics-induced segregation forces in dense granular flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021, 925: A29.

    [3] Jing, L.; Ottino, J.M.; Lueptow, R.M.; Umbanhowar, P.B. Rising and sinking intruders in dense granular flows. Physical Review Research, 2020, 2(2): 022069.

    [4] Jing, L.; Yang, G.C.; Kwok, C.Y.; Sobral, Y.D. Flow regimes and dynamic similarity of immersed granular collapse: A CFD-DEM investigation. Powder Technology, 2019, 345: 532-543.

    [5] Jing, L.; Yang, G.C.; Kwok, C.Y.; Sobral, Y.D. Dynamics and scaling laws of underwater granular collapse with varying aspect ratios. Physical Review E, 2018, 98(4): 042901.

    [6] Jing, L.; Kwok, C.Y.; Leung, Y.F.; Zhang, Z.; Dai, L. Runout scaling and deposit morphology of rapid mudflows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2018, 123(8): 2004-2023.

    [7] Jing, L.; Kwok, C.Y.; Leung, Y.F. Micromechanical origin of particle size segregation. Physical Review Letters, 2017, 11(118): 118001.

    [8] Jing, L.; Kwok, C.Y.; Leung, Y.F.; Sobral, Y.D. Characterization of base roughness for granular chute flows. Physical Review E, 2016, 94(5): 052901.

    [9] Jing, L.; Kwok, C.Y.; Leung, Y.F.; Sobral, Y.D. Extended CFD-DEM for free-surface flow with multi-size granules. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2016, 40(1): 62-79.




  • Awards and Honors

    Plenary speaker at GRC Granular Matter, 2024

    Recipient of an NSFC early career award, 2021

    Best Paper Award for Young Researcher, 2016