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Address: Room 902, Information Building

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  • Biography


    2012.9–2017.6 Ph.D., School of Environment, Tsinghua University, China

    2008.8–2012.7 B.Eng., School of Environment, Tsinghua University, China

    Professional Experience

    2024.6-present Associate Professor, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China

    2021.6–2024.6 Assistant Professor, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China

    2018.5–2021.6 Postdoc, University of California, Irvine, USA

    2017.9–2018.4 Research Assistant, Tsinghua University, China

    2015.5–2016.4 Visiting Scholar, North Carolina State University, USA

    Additional Positions

    Reviewer of the following journals:

    Nature Food, Nature Communications, PNAS, One Earth, Environmental Science & Technology, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Environmental Research Letters, Journal of Cleaner Production, Atmospheric Environment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Earth’s Future, Global Change Biology


    Personal Webpage

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  • Current Courses

    Master’s & Ph.D. Advising

  • Research Interests

    Coupled human-environment systems and sustainable systems analysis, especially topics of climate change, air quality, agriculture, energy and water systems


    Research Output

  • Selected Publications

    [1] Hong, C.*#, Zhao, H.#, Qin, Y., Burney, J. A., Pongratz, J., Hartung, K., Liu, Y., Moore, F. C., Jackson, R. B., Zhang, Q. and Davis, S. J.*, Land-use emissions embodied in international trade. Science, 376, 597-603, 2022.

    [2] Hong, C.*, Burney, J. A.*, Pongratz, J., Nabel, J., Mueller, N. D., Jackson, R. B. and Davis, S. J.*, Global and regional drivers of land-use emissions 1961-2017. Nature, 589, 554-561, 2021.

    [3] Hong, C., Zhang, Q.*, Zhang, Y.*, Davis, S. J., Zhang, X., Tong, D., Guan, D., Liu, Z. and He, K., Weakening aerosol direct radiative effects mitigate climate penalty on Chinese air quality. Nature Climate Change, 10, 845-850, 2020.

    [4] Hong, C.*, Mueller, N. D., Burney, J. A., Zhang, Y., AghaKouchak, A., Moore, F. C., Qin, Y., Tong, D. and Davis, S. J., Impacts of ozone and climate change on yields of perennial crops in California. Nature Food, 1, 166-172, 2020. (front cover)

    [5] Hong, C., Zhang, Q.*, Zhang, Y., Davis, S. J., Tong, D., Zheng, Y., Liu, Z., Guan, D., He, K. and Schellnhuber, H. J.*, Impacts of climate change on future air quality and human health in China. PNAS, 116, 17193-17200, 2019.

    [6] Hong, C., Zhang, Q.*, Zhang, Y.*, Tang, Y., Tong, D. and He, K., Multi-year downscaling application of two-way coupled WRF v3.4 and CMAQ v5.0.2 over east Asia for regional climate and air quality modeling: model evaluation and aerosol direct effects. Geosci. Model. Dev., 10, 2447-2470, 2017.

    [7] Hong, C., Zhang, Q.*, He, K., Guan, D., Li, M., Liu, F. and Zheng, B., Variations of China's emission estimates: response to uncertainties in energy statistics. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 1227-1239, 2017.

    [8] Davis, S. J., Liu, Z., Deng, Z., Zhu, B., Ke, P., Sun, T., Guo, R., Hong, C., Zheng, B., Wang, Y., Boucher, O., Gentine, P. and Ciais, P., Emissions rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Climate Change, 12, 412-414, 2022.

    [9] Tong, D., Geng, G., Zhang, Q., Cheng, J., Qin, X., Hong, C., He, K. and Davis, S. J., Health co-benefits of climate change mitigation depend on strategic power plant retirements and pollution controls. Nature Climate Change, 11, 1077-1083, 2021.

    [10] Geng, G., Zheng, Y., Zhang, Q., Xue, T., Zhao, H., Tong, D., Zheng, B., Li, M., Liu, F., Hong, C., He, K. and Davis, S. J., Drivers of PM2.5 air pollution deaths in China 2002–2017. Nature Geoscience, 14, 645-650, 2021.

    [11] Qin, Y., Abatzoglou, J. T., Siebert, S., Huning, L. S., AghaKouchak, A., Mankin, J. S., Hong, C., Tong, D., Davis, S. J., Mueller, N. D., Agricultural risks from changing snowmelt. Nature Climate Change, 10, 459–465, 2020.

    [12] Zhang, Q., Zheng, Y., Tong, D., Shao, M., Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Xu, X., Wang, J., He, H., Liu, W., Ding, Y., Lei, Y., Li, J., Wang, Z., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Cheng, J., Liu, Y., Shi, Q., Yan, L., Geng, G., Hong, C., Li, M., Liu, F., Zheng, B., Cao, J., Ding, A., Gao, J., Fu, Q., Huo, J., Liu, B., Liu, Z., Yang, F., He, K. and Hao, J., Drivers of improved PM2.5 air quality in China from 2013 to 2017. PNAS, 116, 24463-24469, 2019.

    [13] Tong, D., Zhang, Q., Zheng, Y., Caldeira, K., Shearer, C., Hong, C., Qin, Y. and Davis, S. J., Committed emissions from existing energy infrastructure jeopardize 1.5 degrees C climate target. Nature, 572, 373-377, 2019.

    [14] Qin, Y., Mueller, N. D., Siebert, S., Jackson, R. B., AghaKouchak, A., Zimmerman, J. B., Tong, D., Hong, C. and Davis, S. J., Flexibility and intensity of global water use. Nature Sustainability, 2, 515-523, 2019.

    [15] Tong, D., Zhang, Q., Davis, S. J., Liu, F., Zheng, B., Geng, G., Xue, T., Li, M., Hong, C., Lu, Z., Streets, D. G., Guan, D. and He, K., Targeted emission reductions from global super-polluting power plant units. Nature Sustainability, 1, 59-68, 2018.

    [16] Li, M., Liu, H., Geng, G., Hong, C., Liu, F., Song, Y., Tong, D., Zheng, B., Cui, H., Man, H., Zhang, Q. and He, K., Anthropogenic emission inventories in China: a review. National Science Review, 4, 834-866, 2017.

    [17] Liu, Z., Guan, D., Wei, W., Davis, S. J., Ciais, P., Bai, J., Peng, S., Zhang, Q., Hubacek, K., Marland, G., Andres, R. J., Crawford-Brown, D., Lin, J., Zhao, H., Hong, C., Boden, T. A., Feng, K., Peters, G. P., Xi, F., Liu, J., Li, Y., Zhao, Y., Zeng, N. and He, K., Reduced carbon emission estimates from fossil fuel combustion and cement production in China. Nature, 524, 335-338, 2015.




  • Awards and Honors

    2021, National-Level Talent, Shenzhen, China.