Geoscientific Model Development期刊主题编辑、Farming System期刊编委
Nature Climate Change, Nature Food, Nature Communications, Communications Earth & Environment, Geoscientific Model Development, Science of The Total Environment, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Climate Dynamics, Climatic Change 等国际学术期刊审稿人
All publications:https://yuanchao-fan.com/publication/
1. Fan, Y.* & McColl, K. A. 2024. Widespread outdoor exposure to uncompensable heat stress with warming. Communications Earth & Environment 5, 1–13.
2. Fan, Y.*, 2023. Unequal effects of climate intervention on agriculture. Nature Food 4, 835–836.
3. Fan, Y.*, Tjiputra, J., Muri, H., Lombardozzi, D., Park, C.-E., Wu, S., Keith, D., 2021. Solar geoengineering can alleviate climate change pressures on crop yields. Nature Food 2, 373–381. (Featured in News & Views, and in the media: Harvard University; NCAR; Sigma2)
4. Ali, A.A.*, Fan, Y. (equal contribution), Corre, M.D., Kotowska, M.M., Preuss-Hassler, E., Cahyo, A.N., Moyano, F.E., Stiegler, C., Röll, A., Meijide, A., Olchev, A., Ringeler, A., Leuschner, C., Ariani, R., June, T., Tarigan, S., Kreft, H., Hölscher, D., Xu, C., Koven, C.D., Dagon, K., Fisher, R.A., Veldkamp, E., Knohl, A., 2022. Implementing a rubber plant functional type in the Community Land Model (CLM5) improves the accuracy of carbon and water flux estimation. Land 11, 183.
5. Park, C., Jeong, S., Fan, Y.*, Tjiputra, J., Muri, H., Zheng, C.*, 2019. Inequal responses of drylands to radiative forcing geoengineering methods. Geophysical Research Letters 46 (23), 14011–14020.
6. Fan, Y.*, Meijide, A., Lawrence, D., Roupsard, O., Calson, K., Chen, H-Y., Röll, A., Niu, F., Knohl, A., 2019. Reconciling canopy interception parameterization and rainfall forcing frequency in CLM for simulating evapotranspiration of rainforests and oil palm plantations in Indonesia. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11(3), 732–751.
7. Fan, Y.*, Roupsard, O., Bernoux, M., Le Maire, G., Panferov, O., Kotowska, M. M., Knohl, A., 2015. A sub-canopy structure for simulating oil palm in the Community Land Model (CLM-Palm): phenology, allocation and yield. Geoscientific Model Development, 8(11), 3785-3800.
8. Fan, Y.*, Koukal, T., and Weisberg, P. J., 2014. A sun–crown–sensor model and adapted C-correction logic for topographic correction of high-resolution forest imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 96, 94-105.
9. Fan, Y.*, Weisberg, P. J., and Nowak, R. S., 2014. Spatio-temporal analysis of remotely sensed forest mortality associated with road de-icing salts. Science of The Total Environment, 472, 929-938.
10. Fan, Y.*, 2007. The measure of utilizing rural biomass resource rationally. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research (12), 200-202, 217. In Chinese.
11. Fan, Y.*, 2007. “Hollow villages” exhausted rural areas. Ecological Economy (8), 18-21. In Chinese.
12. Futerman, G., Adhikari, M., Duffey, A., Fan, Y., Irvine, P., Gurevitch, J., Wieners. C.,2024. The interaction of solar radiation modification and Earth system tipping elements. Earth System Dynamics.
13. Ji, Y., Zeng, S., Tang, Q., Yan, L., Wu, S., Fan, Y., Chen, J., 2023. Spatiotemporal variations and driving factors of China’s ecosystem water use efficiency. Ecological Indicators 148,110077.
14. Chen, J., Gao, X., Ji, Y., Luo, Y., Yan, L., Fan, Y., Tan, D., 2022. China’s Greening Modulated the Reallocation of the Evapotranspiration Components during 2001–2020. Remote Sensing 14, 6327.
15. Yan, L., Chen, J., He, L., Ji, Y., Tang, Q., Fan, Y., Tan, D., 2022. Dynamics of the Evaporation of Intercepted Precipitation during the Last Two Decades over China. Remote Sensing 14, 2474.
16. Bethke, I., Wang, Y., Counillon, F., Keenlyside, N., Kimmritz, M., Fransner, F., Samuelsen, A., Langehaug, H., Svendsen, L., Chiu, P.-G., Passos, L., Bentsen, M., Guo, C., Gupta, A., Tjiputra, J., Kirkevåg, A., Olivié, D., Seland, Ø., Solsvik Vågane, J., Fan, Y., Eldevik, T., 2021. NorCPM1 and its contribution to CMIP6 DCPP. Geoscientific Model Development14, 7073–116.
17. Peano, D., Hemming, D., Materia, S., Delire, C., Fan, Y., Joetzjer, E., Lee, H., Nabel, J.E.M.S., Park, T., Peylin, P., Wårlind, D., Wiltshire, A., Zaehle, S., 2021. Plant phenology evaluation of CRESCENDO land surface models – Part 1: Start and end of the growing season. Biogeosciences 18, 2405–2428.
18. Seland, Ø., Bentsen, M., Olivié, D., Toniazzo, T., Gjermundsen, A., Graff, L.S., Debernard, J.B., Gupta, A.K., He, Y.-C., Kirkevåg, A., Schwinger, J., Tjiputra, J., A as, K.S., Bethke, I., Fan, Y., Griesfeller, J., Grini, A., Guo, C., Ilicak, M., Karset, I.H.H., Landgren, O., Liakka, J., Moseid, K.O., Nummelin, A., Spensberger, C., Tang, H., Zhang, Z., Heinze, C., Iversen, T., Schulz, M., 2020. Overview of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM2) and key climate response of CMIP6 DECK, historical, and scenario simulations. Geoscientific Model Development 13, 6165–6200.
19. Chadburn, S.E., Aalto, T., Aurela, M., Baldocchi, D., Biasi, C., Boike, J., Burke, E.J., Comyn‐Platt, E., Dolman, A.J., Duran‐Rojas, C., Fan, Y., Friborg, T., Gao, Y., Gedney, N., Göckede, M., Hayman, G.D., Holl, D., Hugelius, G., Kutzbach, L., Lee, H., Lohila, A., Parmentier, F.-J.W., Sachs, T., Shurpali, N.J., Westermann, S., 2020. Modeled microbial dynamics explain the apparent temperature sensitivity of wetland methane emissions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 34.
20. Davies-Barnard, T., Meyerholt, J., Zaehle, S., Friedlingstein, P., Brovkin, V., Fan, Y., Fisher, R.A., Jones, C.D., Lee, H., Peano, D., Smith, B., Wårlind, D., Wiltshire, A.J., 2020. Nitrogen cycling in CMIP6 land surface models: progress and limitations. Biogeosciences 17, 5129-5148.
21. Stiegler, C., Meijide, A., Fan, Y., Ali, A., June, T., Knohl, A., 2019. El Niño –Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event reduces CO2 uptake of an Indonesian oil palm plantation. Biogeosciences, (16): 2873-2890.
22. Meijide, A., Röll, A., Fan, Y., Herbst, M., Niu, F., Tiedemann, F., June, T., Rauf, A., Hölscher, D., Knohl, A., 2017. Controls of water and energy fluxes in oil palm plantations: effect of environmental variables and oil palm age. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 239, 71-85.
23. Thompson, J. R., K. F. Lambert, D. R. Foster, E. N. Broadbent, M. Blumstein, A. M. Almeyda Zambrano, and Fan, Y., 2016. The consequences of four land-use scenarios for forest ecosystems and the services they provide. Ecosphere 7(10):e01469.
24. Van Gunst, K., Weisberg, P. J., Yang, J., and Fan, Y., 2015.Do denser forests have greater risk of tree mortality: A remote sensing analysis of density-dependent forest mortality. Forest Ecology and Management, 359, 19-32.
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