Biomedical Engineering

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At a Glance
Institute of Biopharmaceutical and Health Engineering
Application Deadline
May 31, 2025
Degree Type
Language of Instruction



Our research aims to understand physiological mechanisms of the human body, and to develop methodologies and techniques to diagnose, treat and rehabilitate major human diseases and dysfunctions.

Research areas include:

1) Acoustic and Optical detection and imaging

2) High flux dynamic measurement

3) Digital diagnosis and treatment

4) Micro/Nano medicine and tissue engineering

5) Medical devices

6) Biomedical Big Data

7) Application of AI in medical field, etc.

Faculty & Instructors


Research   Topics

Lan MA

Cell Biology / Nanobiomedicine /   Biomedical Artificial Intelligence

Jian WU

Minimally invasive surgery technology   / Surgical navigation / Medical image processing and biomedical measurement   technology


Biomedical Image Processing / Optical   Weak Measurement

Kehong YUAN

AI Methods in medical field /   Interpretability of AI Methods in medical field

Hui MA

Polarized photon scattering / Mueller   microscopy

Yonghong HE

Optical   weak measurement technology and its application in bio-molecular detection /   High throughput liquid biochip detection technology and its application   development / Optical coherence tomography (OCT) image detection technology

Shuqing SUN

Flexible electronics and wearable   devices/ Ultrosensitive and high-throughput biosensing /Intelligent drug   delivery systems

Nan Zeng

Polarization optical innovative   technology and method / New application in biomedical and environmental   fields

Honghui HE

Polarization imaging method and   techniques / interaction between polarized light and turbid media,   polarimetric microscopy/ endoscopy and their biomedical and clinical   applications

Shaohua MA

Organoids Engineering and Synthetic   Organs / Organoids-on-a-chip /

Computational Biomedicine /   Regenerative Medicine

Sanyang HAN

Optical Nanoprobes/Photo Synthesis/Biochemistry/

Computational Imaging/Multimode Imaging

 Dan GAO

Organ on Chip / Microfluidic-Based   Biosensing /  Microdroplet Reaction and   The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Microfluidic Technology

Runming WANG

Pharmaceutical Chemical Biology /   Synthetic Biology / Synthetic Chemistry / Computational Biology

Tatsuhisa   Tsuboi

Cell Biology / AI Image Analysis / Gene   Regulation

Hongya GENG

Polymer Chemistry/ Hydrogel/ Tissue Engineering/   Regenerative Medicine/ Cryopreservation/ Biological Hemostasis/ Theranostics

Peiwu QIN

Adolescent Psychological Diagnosis and   Treatment / Fundus Refractive Oct 3-in-1 Screening Equipment / POCT in Vitro   Diagnostic System / Multimodal Medical Data Analysis

Xiao LIU

Genomics and Systems Immunology

Feiran LI

Synthetic Biology / Bioinformatics / Deep   Learning / Systems Biology