

Master of Healthcare Administration

About the program

At the 37th meeting of the State Council Academic Degrees Committee in 2022, Tsinghua University was accredited to offer the Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) program. This is the first MHA program in China. The MHA program is designed to prepare future healthcare executives with medical, management and engineering backgrounds for management and leadership positions at large hospitals/medical consortiums, healthcare authorities, health insurance providers, pharmaceutical enterprises, and the grand healthcare industry. In this way, the program is expected to contribute to the efforts to specialize, vocationalize and modernize healthcare administration, deepen the healthcare system reform, and make high-quality and efficient healthcare services accessible to ordinary people.


Curriculum framework

In reference to the healthcare administration program model and the competency model of world-class universities, the MHA program adopts a curriculum framework that trains talents who live up to the demands of the development of new medical disciplines, performance appraisal and high-quality development of public hospitals. Moreover, the curriculum framework is developed in accordance with international standards, and well-suited for the healthcare administration practice in China.


Students enrolled in the program are expected to develop core competencies in leadership, policy analysis, organizational management, professional communication and quantitative analysis, and get familiar with the healthcare systems of different countries; clearly understand the direction, trend and logic of the healthcare system reform in China; have a good command of the theories, tools and application scenarios of healthcare administration; grow into talents who are competent for the management and leadership positions at healthcare authorities, large hospitals/medical consortiums, health insurance providers and pharmaceutical enterprises, and will make it their mission to take care of people’s health.

*For actual course offerings, refer to the training plan of the current year


Training mode

The MHA program requires part-time engagement, and adopts the credit system. Students enrolled in the program will complete a series of training tasks including lectures, case studies, group tasks, best practice courses, seminars, comprehensive practice sessions, and graduation thesis. All teaching activities are designed to shape the value system of students, impart knowledge to students, and train practical skills.


Degree conferment

Students enrolled in the program will be granted Certificate of Graduation and Certificate of Master’s Degree in Healthcare Administration issued by Tsinghua University after completing all courses and training tasks, earning the required number of credits, and passing the thesis defense and the review by the Professional Degree Steering Committee.


Length of study

According to Regulations on Graduate Student Status Management of Tsinghua University, the MHA program is typically designed to be completed in 3 years and no more than 5 years.



150,000 yuan/student: Pay in three installments, or specifically, pay 50,000 yuan at the beginning of each academic year.



1. The part-time program takes Chinese as the medium of instruction. Applicants are required to have at least 3 years (inclusive) of working experience after obtaining a bachelor's degree or at least 2 years (inclusive) of working experience after obtaining a master's or doctoral degree.

2. A competitive test score of GMAT/GRE is required.


Contact us

Institute for Hospital Management of Tsinghua University



Phone: +86-755-26036095