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Division of Logistics and Transportation

The Division of Logistics and Transportation includes the Logistics Research Institute, Transportation Research Institute, and Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Logistics Engineering and Simulation.

In the field of logistics, we cover logistics systems planning and logistics information technology, along with applications of freight transportation, warehousing operations, and logistics and supply chain management.

In the field of transportation, we focus on traffic information engineering and control, and transportation planning and management, with research areas in integrated traffic control systems, self-driving vehicles, traffic flow theory, and transportation planning.

Rooted in Shenzhen and targeting the whole world, the Division of Logistics and Transportation has cultivated many talents, conducted high-level scientific research, and established a prestigious academic discipline, making great contributions to both academia and industry.

Dedicated to the cultivation of the next-generation talents, the Division offers a PhD program in Management Science and Engineering and a master’s program in Logistics Engineering and Management.