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Tel: +86 18211562321



Office Hours: 09:00 – 12:30;13:30 – 18:00

  • 个人简历
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  • 研究领域
  • 研究成果
  • 奖励荣誉
  • Biography


    June 1994, Recognition as German Diplom-Ingenieur (Dipl.Ing.)

    Sep. 1989 - Aug. 1990, Master of Architecture (M.Arch.), Technical University of Nova Scotia (now Dalhousie University), Canada

    Sep. 1986 - Aug. 1989, Bachelor in Environmental Design Studies (B.E.D.S.), Technical University of Nova Scotia (now Dalhousie University), Canada

    Professional Experience

    Sept. 2020 - present, Professor, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China

    May 2015 - April 2022, Professor, TU Delft, Netherlands

    October 2000 - August 2017, Professor, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

    May 1995 - present, Registered Architect in Europe

    Summer 1983 - 1986, Helicopter Forest Fire Fighter (Helitack)

    Additional Positions

    Founding Member, Chinese Committee of Resilient Cities, Tianjin since 2019

    Member, Formitas AG Board of Directors, Aachen since 2017

    Charter Member, Solar Decathlon Europe Council of Experts since 2017

    Member, German University Architecture Dean's Council (DARL) since 2004

    Founding Member, ARENA - European Architectural Research Network since 2013

    Founding Member, AKAI - Architecture-Informatics Research Group since 2002


    Chairman Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions 2015-2019

    Secretary General Solar Decathlon Europe Secretariat 2015-2017

    Vice-Chairman German University Architecture Dean's Council (DARL) 2013-2015

    Council Member European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) 2012-2013

    Chairman ASAP - German Accreditation Alliance for Study Programs

    in Architecture and Urban Planning, Berlin, Germany 2006-2008


    Personal Webpage

    Download CV

  • Current Courses

    l  Design Studio 1 & 2

    l  Readings in Future Human Habitats


    Master’s & Ph.D. Advising

    l  Computational Design

    l  Information Communication Systems

    l  Building Information Modelling and Management

    l  Ambient Assisted Living

    l  Virtual Systems

  • Research Interests

    l  Computational Design

    l  Information Communication Systems

    l  Building Information Modelling and Management

    l  Ambient Assisted Living

    l  Architectural Education


    • EXPO 2010 Shanghai – Interactive City Game 2010

    • Future Care Lab – Ambient Assisted Living, RWTH Aachen 2007-2014

    • Counter Entropy House – Solar Decathlon Europe 2012

    • Das Heizkraftwerk – Renovation of a Heating Plant into Lecture Theatres for education, Aachen, Germany 2012

    Research Output

  • Selected Publications

    1. Bionic Building Concept with Boris Baehre, Thomas Stachelhaus in Proceedings of the ARCC-EAAE 2019 Conference Toronto, Canada 2019

    2. Device-Free Interaction in Smart Domestic Environments. with Felix Heidrich, Ivan Golod and Martina Ziefle in Proceedings of AUGMENTED HUMAN ’13, 4th International Conference in Cooperation (SIGCHI), New York, USA, 2013

    3. The Meaning of BIM with Dietrich Elger 26th eCAADe Conference, Antwerp, Belgium 2008

    4. Crisis? What crisis?: Approaching information space with Dietrich Elger In: International Journal of Architectural Computing. - 4 / 2006

    5. Defining Virtual: Four Modes of Being in Creative Work 4th Joint ARCC - AEEA Conference, Dublin, Ireland 2004


    1. Epilog: Where do we go from here? in: Informierte Architektur: Building Information Modelling für die Architekturpraxis Peter Russell: Marco Hemmerling, Boris Baehre [Hrsg]: Birkhäuser, Basel, 2020

    2. Der Blinde Wissenschaftler. Peter Russell: in Bild und Erkentnis, Beyer, A. und Lohoff, M. (Hrsg.), Deutscher Kunstverlag 2005


    Raumband, European Patent


    1. BIM ist nur ein Vorreiter Peter Russell: BIM - 2018 Ernst & Sohn Special, November 2018

    2. Umbau eines Heizkraftwerks in ein Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude in Aachen. Detail, 05 / 2012 pp. 512-516. and Cover

  • Awards and Honors

    • Teaching Prize RWTH Aachen University 2013

    • Cover Detail Magaine, Heating Plant Conversion 05/2011

    • Façade Prize Zero Footprint Reskinning Award, Façadeworld 2011

    • BIM Award Autodesk, Inc. 2008

    • Teaching Prize Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany 2002

    • Thesis Prize Technical University of Nova Scotia 1989