Dr. Binbin Li is currently an Associate Professor at the Institute for Ocean Engineering of Tsinghua University, the oversea high-caliber personnel in Shen Zhen, China. He received a bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University in 2005 and received a Ph.D. degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2011 under the supervision of Prof. Jinping Ou, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He was the research director of Sortec Offshore in Singapore, manager of floating systems with Bureau Veritas Singapore, and a research fellow with Nanyang Technological university. He serves as a council member of China Ocean Engineering Society, member of the program committee of OTC and APOGCE conferences, the Gledden senior visiting fellow of the university of western Australia, an adjunct professor of Universiti Teknologi Petronas in Malaysia, and an adjunct Ph.D. supervisor at the National University of Singapore. His research area is in offshore engineering, with a particular focus on floater’s hydrodynamics and seakeeping, mooring, and marine operation dynamics. Binbin has 10 years of engineering experience in the Oil & Gas industry, he led over 40 engineering consulting and advisory projects including FPSO, FLNG, and TLP platforms. He led and participated in various research projects sponsored by MPA and SMI of Singapore, Australian ARC, and Chinese NSFC. He is the associate editor for J Offshore Mech Arct Eng, Ships and Offshore Structures, and editorial board member of Ocean Engineering, Brodogradnja etc. He has published 60 technical papers and was awarded the best paper award by the China Civil Engineering Society. He developed the offshore floating system coupled dynamic analysis software Kraken.
September 2005-March 2011, Harbin institute of Technology, Civil Engineering, PhD
September 2001-July 2005, Tsinghua University, Civil Engineering, BE
Professional Experience
Additional Positions
Associate Editor: Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (ASME)
Associate Editor: Ships and Offshore Structures (Taylor & Francis)
Editorial Board member: Ocean Engineering, Brodogradnja, JOET, etc…
The Robert and Maude Gledden senior visiting fellow, University of Western Australia
Member of Technical Program Committee OTC ASIA Conferences
Topic Organizer for OMAE Conference
Council member of China Ocean Engineering Society
Member of China National Committee for Terminology in Science and Technology
Personal Webpage
Download CV
Current Courses
Hydrostatics and Seakeeping for ships and offshore floating structures, No. 85990742, Tsinghua SIGS
Positioning Mooring System for Floating Structures, No. 85990852, Tsinghua SIGS
Marine Renewable Energy Frontiers, No. 85990842, Tsinghua SIGS
Master’s & Ph.D. Advising
To be updated
Research Interests
Dr Binbin Li’s research area is in offshore engineering, with a particular focus on floater’s hydrodynamics and seakeeping, mooring, and marine operation dynamics. He led and participated in various research projects sponsored by Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation of China, MPA and SMI of Singapore, Australian ARC, etc. Binbin has ten years of engineering experience in the Oil & Gas industry, he led over 40 engineering consulting and advisory projects including FPSO, FLNG, and TLP platforms. His current research interests are as follows:
- Hydrodynamics of floating structures, dynamics of flexible cable, dynamics of complex marine operations
- Design of floating offshore wind turbine, hydro-structure coupling, intelligent structural health monitoring, shared mooring design and analysis
- Assessment of marine towing, hoisting, operation and maintenance
- R&D of service operation vessel for offshore wind turbines
- R&D of offshore fish farming vessel
- R&D of deepwater oil storage & offloading system
- KraKen software development for fully coupled floater/mooring/cable dynamic analysis
- National Key Research and Development Program of China, PI, ongoing
- General Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI, ongoing
- Project funded by department of science and technology of Guangdong Province, PI, ongoing
- General Projects of Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Offshore Wind Power Joint Fund,PI, ongoing
- General program, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission,PI, ongoing
- The key lab of Intelligent Fusion of Shen Zhen, participant, ongoing
- Reginal joint fund, Guang Dong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation, participant, ongoing
- ZJ Talent Plan Young Top Talent Project, ongoingResearch Output
Selected Publications
[1] Binbin Li*, Z Liu, H Liang, et al, BEM modeling for the hydrodynamic analysis of the perforated fish farming vessel, Ocean Engineering, 115225, 2023
[2] Binbin Li*, C Wang, The absolute nodal coordinate formulation in the analysis of offshore floating operations Part I: theory and modeling, Ocean Engineering, 114650, 2023
[3] C Wang, J Liu, Binbin Li*, W Huang, The absolute nodal coordinate formulation in the analysis of offshore floating operations Part II: code validation and case study, Ocean Engineering, 114645, 2023
[4] W Huang, Binbin Li* DK Kim*, An investigation on material diversity of synthetic fiber ropes in the course stability of towing under wind, Ocean Engineering, 114410, 2023
[5] W Huang, Binbin Li*, X Chen, A new quasi-dynamic method for the prediction of tendon tension of TLP platform, Ocean Engineering, 113590, 2023
[6] Lekkala MR, Mohamed L, Jung JH, Jin CK, Binbin Li*, Jeong B, Kim DK*, Numerical investigations of flow over wavy cylinders at sub-critical Reynolds number, Ocean Engineering, 113501, 2023
[7] Y Li, D Qiao, Binbin Li*, etc, Dynamic controller design for parallel active motion compensated gangway of offshore wind service operation vessel based on the state-space model and inverse kinematics, Ocean Engineering, 112999, 2022
[8] S Leng, S Li, Z Hu, H Wu, Binbin Li, Development of a Micro-in-Meso-scale Framework for Simulating Pollutant Dispersion and Wind Environment in Building Groups, Journal of Cleaner Production, 132661, 2022
[9] Binbin Li*, D Qiao, W Zhao, Z Hu, S Li, Operability analysis of SWATH as a service vessel for offshore wind turbine in the southeastern coast of China, Ocean Engineering, 111017, 2022
[10] Binbin Li*, Effect of hydrodynamic coupling of floating offshore wind turbine and offshore support vessel, Applied Ocean Research, 102707, 2021
[11] Jun Yan, Dongsheng Qiao, Binbin Li*, An improved method of mooring damping estimation considering mooring line segments contribution, Ocean Engineering, 109887, 2021
[12] D Qiao, Y Li, J Yan, W Tang, D Ning, Binbin Li*, Jinping Ou, Influence of Active Control Strategy on the Motion Compensation at the Truncated Point of Mooring Line, China Ocean Engineering, 35(700–711), 2021
[13] Binbin Li, Operability study of walk-to-work for floating wind turbine and service operation vessel in the time domain, Ocean Engineering, 108397, 2021
[14] Binbin Li, Hui Liang, etc, Study of telescopic gangway motions in time domain during offshore operation, Ocean Engineering, 108692, 2021
[15] D Qiao, G Zhi, J Yan, Binbin Li, H Liang, D Ning, Active truncation model test method of deep-water mooring system: a numerical simulation study on time delay compensation of actuator motion, Applied Ocean Research, 102645, 2021
[16] Binbin Li, Multi-body hydrodynamic resonance and shielding effect of vessels parallel and nonparallel side-by-side, Ocean Engineering, 2020, 108188, 2020
[17] Binbin Li, Wei Huang and Hui Liang, An efficient method to assess effect of fins on the course stability of towing system, Ocean Engineering, 108055, 2020
[18] D Qiao, Binbin Li*, J Yan, Y Qing, H Liang, D Ning, Transient response evaluation of FPSO with different failure scenarios of mooring lines,J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 9(2), 103, 2021
[19] D Qiao, H Liang, W Tang, D Ning, Binbin Li, J Ou, Motion tracking control of actuator in the active-truncated model test of deep-water mooring system, Applied ocean research, 102397, 2020
[20] D Qiao, B Guan, H Liang, D Ning, Binbin Li, J Ou, An Improved Method of Predicting Drag Anchor Trajectory Based on the Finite Element Analyses of Holding Capacity, China Ocean Engineering, 2020
[21] Z Wang, Y M Low, Binbin Li, Stochastic analysis of the non-Gaussain airgap response of a semi-submersible using frequency domain analysis, Marine Structures, 2019
[22] Binbin Li, Wei Huang, Xiaobo Chen, A numerical study of dynamic response of crane Semi-submersible along TLP in Tender-assisted drilling operation, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2018, 273-286
[23] W Zhao, Z Pan, F Lin, Binbin Li, PH Taylor, M Efthymiou, Estimation of gap resonance relevant to side-by-side offloading, Ocean Engineering, 2018
[24] W. Huang, Binbin Li*, X Chen, A. Rodrigo, Numerical and experimental studies on dynamic gangway response between monohull flotel and FPSO in non-parallel side-by-side configuration, Ocean Engineering, 149, 341-357, 2018
[25] W Jian, D Cao, EY Lo, Z Huang, X Chen, Z Cheng, H Gu, Binbin Li, Wave runup on a surging vertical cylinder in regular waves, Applied ocean research, 2017
[26] Binbin Li*, Z Huang, Y M Low, Experimental and numerical study of the effects of heave plate on the motion of a new deep draft multi-spar platform, Journal of marine science and technology, 18, 229-246, 2013
[27] Binbin Li*, J Ou, B Teng, Numerical investigation of damping effects on coupled heave and pitch motion of an innovative deep draft multi-spar, Journal of marine science and technology, 19(2), 231-244, 2011
[28] Binbin Li*, J Ou, B Teng, Fully coupled effects of hull, mooring and risers model in time domain based on an innovative deep draft multi-spar, China ocean engineering, 2010
[29] Binbin Li*, K Liu, G Yan, J Ou, Hydrodynamic comparison of a semi-submersible, TLP, and Spar: Numerical study in the South China Sea environment, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2011
[30] Binbin Li*, J Ou, Concept design of a new deep draft platform, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2010
[31] 李彬彬,欧进萍,深吃水多立柱式平台的运动响应分析,中国造船,2010
[32] 李彬彬,欧进萍,滕斌,深吃水多立柱平台稳性与水动力分析,海洋工程,2010
[33] 李彬彬,欧进萍,Truss Spar平台垂荡响应频域分析,海洋工程,2009
Ou Jinping, Li Binbin, DDMS deep draft column platform, CN101475049A
Awards and Honors
Best paper award of China Civil Engineering Society
First Prize of the 4th China Ocean Engineering Design Competition, Excellent Instructor