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SIGS Computer Technology student named 2021 Siebel Scholar


Li Ziran, a master student majoring in computer technology at SIGS has been named 2021 Siebel Scholar. Li will receive a scholarship of $35,000 to support his final year of graduate studies.

Supervised by Associate Prof. Zheng Haitao, Li's research interest mainly focuses on Natural Language Processing, including but not limited to information extraction and natural language generation. Li has published 6 papers as the lead author at top international conferences such as ACL, EMNLP and AAAI. He has also won the National Scholarship for Postgraduate Student for two consecutive years.

Li Ziran, Siebel Scholar Class of 2021

Founded in 2000 by the Thomas and Stacey Siebel Foundation, the Siebel Scholars Program awards grants to 16 universities in the United States, China, France, Italy and Japan. The program recognizes exceptional graduate students from the world’s leading schools of computer science, business, energy science and bioengineering.

Tsinghua University joined the Siebel Scholars Program in 2009 as the only Chinese university in the program. In 2021, 92 students were selected from world-class universities such as Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford, with 6 students from Tsinghua University.

Editor: Karen Lee