• Chemistry (Chemical Biology, Pharmacy)
    Fall 2021丨Master’s Program
    Theme area/ Field:Chemistry
  • About 

    The Master of Chemistry in Chemical Biology (Pharmacy) program has been recruiting graduate students since 2013. Combining new concepts of personalized drug development with cutting-edge frontiers in interdisciplinary chemical biology, the program aims to nurture technical and management talents for chemical and biomedical industries.


    The program relies on disciplines of Chemical Biology, Chemistry, Biology, Biomedical Engineering and others at Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School (Tsinghua SIGS). Research platforms such as the State Key Laboratory of Cancer Chemistry Genomics, and the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory of Medical Technology and Engineering provide students with superior research resources. The program’s international and interdisciplinary research environment also cultivates students who are innovative and creative.

    Length of Study 

    Students will complete the program in 3 years. Those who meet all academic requirements will graduate with a Tsinghua University Master's Degree.


    Ma Lan, Huang Laiqiang, Wu Yaojiong, Tan Chunyan, Xie Weidong, Tan Ying, Gao Dan, Liu Feng, Lin Jinshun

    Contact Us 

    Tel: 0755-26938159

    Email: sun.wei@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn

    Mailing address: L-401, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Zip Code: 518055